WARNING: Beware of Online Scammers (and take notes)

So You Want to Make Some Money Online?

Welcome to the crowd! Millions of people are out of work, and things probably won't get better with the job market any time soon. So, let me ask you this, sucker...

"Do You Have A Plan?"

Probably not, 'cause most people don't. OK, victims...get out a pad of paper and a pencil or a pen. You're gonna need to take some notes before you jump on your computer to make a killing online...

Pssst...Let Me Tell You A Little Secret of Mine...

I'm "Simon The Scammer", and I ain't had a real J.O.B. (just over broke) for years now, and it's all because of the Internets and my tenacity to bend the rules a bit, making the "money making game" all a big game in my favor that results in piles of cash.

But "Hold On Simon", you say... "Money Ain't Free"!!

...and Simon Says: true, true, true... (visit my websites to learn the scoop!)

http://moneyaintfree.com or http://simonscammer.blog.com/

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